Kaitlyn Miller

Kaitlyn Miller received her BFA in Ceramics from Maine College of Art then moved to Little Cranberry Island, Maine where she lived and worked year-round for 15 years as a studio potter.
With an enduring love for color and the island, she began translating the beauty of her surroundings into paintings in 2019.
She now lives on Mount Desert Island with her son, where she is enjoying connecting with a larger creative community.
“I paint in response to that which calls to be seen and appreciated. Even a simple birch branch against the sky holds immeasurable beauty. Within the confines of ocean, rocks and shore, there are limitless opportunities for capturing a new perspective.The island is an intimate place where, even if you step foot for a day, you are a part of the fabric there, an observer and a participant at the same time. Being on an island, in a community embedded with history, beauty, and nature, inspires a slower pace and closer attention to the limited moments we have there. It teaches us how to be: in gratitude and awe, for the beauty of arriving home, whether you live there or not. It is the gift of this feeling sense in combination with the ever changing life of the island that I am compelled to translate.”